Right: Emma Claire told me she was going to make up her bed by herself. Didn't she do a great job!!!
Left: Of course then she had to get in it! Right: While Daddy and Pe-Paw went to pick up our new swing-set Emma Claire and Mommy made cookies. ; ) Licking the spoon was the BEST part.
Right: Her new swing set!!! Yea!!!
Right: Playing with cousin Kalei.
Wrestling time with Uncle Bruce and Kalei.
Left: Emma Claire told me she had packed her suitcase for MS by herself. This is what I found. Books, books, and more books.
Left: It took everybody's help to get Emma Claire up the slide. Right: Emma Claire and Mallie.
Left: Emma Claire and Haydon telling the neighbors dog to "Get Out Of Here!" Right: Emma Claire and I took a break to play at our cousins house.