I haven't posted an update about my battle with thrush because it is something that just makes me shiver to think about. It was one of the worst things I have ever dealt with and the pain was almost unbearable. There were times when I honestly felt like I was going to pass out from the pain. I told Benjamin I wanted a bumper sticker that said....
It may sound silly to someone who has never had it but here is an example of the regiment I went through every 3 hours....
Along with these I was also taking an antibiotic, a pro-biotic, and eating 2 yogurts a day.
I think what made it worse is that I knew the pain was coming every 3 hours. I found myself dreading to nurse and trying to put it off as long as possible. I felt horrible about it because I didn't want this resentment to be towards my sweet baby. This had nothing to do with Dawson and I didn't want to take it out on him. When I talked with my doctor about treatment she told me that it is almost impossible to get over thrush when nursing because you and the baby continue to pass it back and forth. She herself had it and told me that I needed to go ahead and prepare myself because this was something that I couldn't control and I needed to be ready to start giving Dawson formula. Let me just say that I'm not opposed to using formula (Emma Claire was a formula baby), I just didn't want to let this beat me. I wanted to nurse my baby and I wanted to fight this!
I went through 2 rounds of antibiotics and after trying this cream (thanks to Stephanie Lyon for the suggestion) I was thrush free 2 months later!
Dr. Jack Newman's All Purpose Nipple Ointment
It contains an antibiotic, an anti-inflammatory, and a anti-fungal.
You do have to find a pharmacy that will compound this cream because most commercial pharmacies will not. We were able to find a local family owned pharmacy that would do it for us with a smile on their face. ; )
I honestly don't know what finally got rid of it. I don't know if it was
the constant prayer for healing, the 2 rounds of antibiotics, all of
the natural remedies, the cream, or just the
combination of them all. But thank the Lord it was gone. I just want to encourage anyone who gets thrush to push your doctor for help with treatment. Because it's a pain to get rid of most of them will just tell you to quit nursing and move to formula. You CAN beat it. Know what your options are and present them to your doctor and demand for help.
I am SO THANKFUL that I've been thrush-free for a month!! Happy nursing! : )