Monday, October 13, 2008

Poll Results: Saturday Emma Claire will be a Flower Girl in my cousins wedding. Will She ...

We made it through the wedding!! Yea! It was beautiful and Chelsey was beautiful. After we ran through the ceremony 3 times in dress rehearsal Emma Claire was just about over the whole wedding thing. By Saturday she didn't want to do anything but play outside. I think she was only in one or two pictures because she kept telling us she was done and crying. When it was time for Emma Claire to walk down the isle in the ceremony she was outside playing and didn't want to come in. They brought her in and pointed down the isle where I was standing and she slowly started walking (and whimpering) down the isle. When she realized that everyone was looking at her she took off running to me. It was really funny and cute. I held her on stage for a few minutes but she wouldn't quit talking. She kept saying "Please, Please" (so I would give her more gum) and talking to Pops (who was performing the ceremony), and talking to herself. I finally just slipped out with her so she wouldn't distract everyone. It worked out fine because I got slip right back in during the prayer. It was a beautiful ceremony and Emma Claire didn't disrupt them too much.

** I will add a video of her walking down the isle as soon as I can get it working! : )

Throw the flowers and then have to clean them back up? 0%

Dance every time the music comes on? 67%

Have to be taken out because it will be nap time? 0%

Play on the stairs? 17%

Have to be held by mommy? 8%

Wear the flower basket as a hat? 8%

Total votes: 12

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