This morning while Benjamin was giving Emma Claire her breathing treatment I heard him yell for me to get into the kitchen. She was repeatedly trying to tell him something and he couldn't figure out what she was saying. Once I got into the kitchen he asked her to tell Daddy again what she wanted and I dropped to my knees; it was in complete shock and in laughter. I had no clue what she was saying, but it sounded like something very ugly. When I took her to school that morning I told her teachers what had happened and if they could figure out what she was saying it would be wonderful. It definatly needed to be corrected. That afternoon when I went to pick her up they had figured it out!! She was saying "Frog"!! **You do the math on what it sounded like.**
People around here think it is really funny and they ask her to say frog just so they can hear it. BUT the problem is she just can't say it once. She keeps repeating it over and over because she knows you think it is funny. The other night at the Seminary one of the Vice Presidents asked her to say on his way out because he just had to hear it. Of Course, she said "frog" but she couldn't stop. I had to run outside with her to get her away from everyone. It was the first time I had been that bad embarrassed in a long time!
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