Monday, April 12, 2010

Transitioning from the Swaddle

It took patience and perseverance, but we did it!!! Camp is now fully out of using his Swaddle Blanket. It was such a big deal because Camp has been sleeping wrapped up in his swaddle since birth and he has been sleeping so well with it. I have to say, I was rather nervous about moving him out of it. I thought it meant I was not going to get much sleep because I would be up and down with him at night not sleeping well. Boy was I wrong. He was a PRO.
Here he is our first night home from the hospital all Swaddled up for the night.

When he was about 5 1/2 months old we started like this with one arm out for a couple of weeks.

Then we moved onto still leaving one arm out and adding legs out. We still had one arm snuggly in the swaddle.

Then we Finally made the transition to NO Swaddle at all! He did awesome and never missed a wink of sleep! In fact he is now sleeping from 8:00 pm to 8:00 am every night! I am so proud of my sweet boy.

Now, he is all over the place in his bed. He loves to sleep on his tummy, on his back, and on his side. I never know what end of the bed I will find him on! Mommy is so proud of you, Camp!

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