Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Sweet Boy at One

I Can. Not. Believe my ba*by is ONE!! Where did the time go?? It seems just like yesterday that I had a huge bowling ball on my tummy anxious for the day I would meet my sweet boy.

*Camp is a fireball of Energy. When he is awake he goes non-stop tearing up and playing with anything he can reach.

*He still LOVES his sleep. Praise the Lord. He goes to bed every night at 7:30pm and sleeps anywhere from 7:30am til 9:00am. During the day when we are home he usually takes a mid morning nap and then either one long nap in the afternoons or two small ones. On school days he usually does not get a nap at school since he is in his big boy class now so as soon as we get in the car in the afternoon he crashes. He actually reaches for his carseat and after I put him in his eyes are starting to roll back even before I get him buckled.

*Food. Camp loves to eat. His favorites are: Mac & Cheese, peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, eggs, corn, cooked green beans, any kind of bread, graham crackers, waffles, pears, peaches, blueberries, bananas, and gerber yogurt. Things he doesn't care much for are: carrots, non-seasoned and uncooked green beans, peas (which were his favorite),

*Camp still walks on his knees most of the time but just recently started taking a few steps. He is so fast on his knees sometimes that I can hardly keep up. We recently went to the Dr. and I asked them about the way he got around and the dr we saw said she had never in her practice seen a child get around that way. But because he would still walk around furniture holding on and would walk holding on to our fingers they weren't concerned. They said that because he is super fast that way why would he want to walk. He can get there much faster on his knees. : ) I do have to say, he is super cute getting around and gets lots of attention because it's so unusual.

*I just knew that Camp was going to be my layed back child but boy was I wrong. He is just as strong-willed as his sister. When he doesn't get his way or when you are not getting him something fast enough he will start squealing and tensing up his body until you get to him. Poor boy has already started getting some spankings for his temper and impatience.

*He is saying a few words now: Da-Da, Ma-Ma, Hey, Bye-Bye, Uh-Oh, and has repeated Thank You.

*A few tricks he has learned: He can clap his hand together the right way and loves to dance to music. He is super fast getting up the stars. He can climb up onto Emma Claire's chair and onto the top of her table. He can certainly swing that head side to side when he know he is doing a "no-no". He can stand in place and clap w/out holding onto anything.

*Camp is certainly a Mommy's and Daddy's boy. He loves to love on his Mommy but he gets so overly excited when he hears Daddy is home. He takes off as fast as his little legs can take him to daddy.

I just love this little One Year Old so much! God has certainly blessed us with two amazing children and I can't wait to see what plans He has for them.

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