Friday, October 29, 2010

Fall Festival at Little Lambs Learning Center

The kids normally don't go to school on Friday's, but because today was their Fall Festival we decided to get dressed up and go. It was even better because I got to go just as their Mommy and not worry about getting back to work. On our way in we spotted some pumpkins so we did the only appropriate thing and took pictures. : )

There were lots of Superman's there. 
Camp & Abby Lyon 

The quality of the pictures I took inside aren't that great because of the lighting, but they'll do. : ) They are mostly of Camp because he stayed with me and Emma Claire went and did her own thing.

Okay, so I wasn't allowed to wear fake tattoos when I was little so this was a BIG deal for Emma Claire.

It was a treat that Daddy got to come, too!
Tucker Davis & Camp. These boys are only 11 days apart. : )


Camp was so tired. He finally just crashed on the floor.
Thanks to Dan & Rachael Davis for sharing
this picture of a played out Superman. : )

Ms. Kelly Michael was sweet to bring us some homemade cinnamon rolls in exchange for some maternity clothes. Emma Claire could not wait to get in them.

1 comment:

  1. I love these picture - the one of Camp and Tucker just looking at each other made me laugh! Our two boys just couldn't be cuter.
