Monday, June 27, 2011

Saying Goodbye to the Davis'

The Davis' have been such great friends to us here at SEBTS and although we are so sad to see them go we are so thankful for the way the Lord will be using them at Heritage Baptist Church in Pensacola, FL.

Our paths have crossed in so many different ways: we have gone to North Wake together the past year, our husbands have played on an intramural football team together and both have attended SEBTS together, Rachael and I have worked together the past couple of years at LLLC, Emma Claire & Lana are both 4.5, and Tucker and Camp are only 10 days apart. We have just gone through this same stage of life TOGETHER.

We will miss seeing your faces friends! May God Bless You and Keep You!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday Afternoons

Sunday afternoons are very much a family day for our family. On Saturday we get all of our house work and yard work done so that on Sunday we can just relax, enjoy worshipping together, and spending time as a family.

Camp has turned into a ball nut. He loves having any kind of ball and throwing it with Daddy. I can already see  how competitive he is going to be. He has gotten to where if he misses the ball he gets so mad that he just screams. He can't stand to not catch it.

The joys of having a very private back yard. When it's not bath night and the kids have gotten sweaty outside we pull out the water hose and spray everyone down before we go in the house. : 0 Emma Claire thinks this is a huge treat! Camp... not so much. He thinks the water is just tooooo cold. : )

Saturday, June 25, 2011

At the Request of My Daughter

Emma Claire was drawing monsters the other day and ask that I take pictures to put on the computer. So.... here they are!

Then Daddy decided to help!

Friday, June 24, 2011

First Big Girl VBS

This week Emma Claire had the opportunity to go VBS at Bayleaf and actually be a part of the camp and not just in childcare. She was beside herself! She said her favorite part was singing and doing the 'camotions'.

The theme was the 'Big Apple' and they had between 500-600 kids. Amazing. Had I not worked there I might have been a bit concerned on how they could keep up with that many kids and their safety, but they are always right on top of things and there was no need for concern.

 If you can see her in the picture on the bottom left she was totally into doing every motion the praise team was doing.

So thankful for all the Bayleaf Baptist Church means to us!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Because Benjamin was gone out of the country on Father's Day we were ready to celebrate when he got home!

Emma Claire thought it was great that we were making signs for him for when he got home. She couldn't wait for him to open all of his presents.

 And..... she couldn't wait to open the presents that daddy brought her back from the Europe.

The look on his face in the picture on the right is priceless. What you don't know is that I wanted to get him a new hat because all of his are just worn out. I spent time digging through all the hats they had at Target looking for one that didn't have anything 'bad' on it. Just a plain ole' hat.

As soon as he opened the present with the hat in it his eyes were the size of quarter dollars and then he broke out in this histerical laugh. I began explaining to him how hard I worked trying to find a decent hat that didn't have anything 'bad' on it for him to wear, but that just made it worse. What I didn't know was that the hat did have something 'bad' on it, I just didn't get it! Needless to say, Benjamin has had the best time with this gift and telling everyone what happened. I was so embarressed when I took it back to exchange it at Target that I just told them that he got it as a gift and I wanted to exchange it for something else. I'll just add a picture of it and that is all we will say about that!

I hope that you had a wonderful belated father's day! We love you!!

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Daddy's First Trip to England

First trip to England-Trinity College, University of Bristol, Bath, Oxford University and more!

Left: Craig and his students; John Milton, BQ2, Sean Purcell, and Karen Harding.  We had a great time together.
Right: Trinity College, a beautiful campus.  The original buildings were a slave traders home built in 1669. 

Left: The inscription says "1669" to mark the year it was built.  Right: This is the flat J.I. Packer lived in when he wrote his famous, "Knowing God."

Left: The University of Bristol, Wills Memorial. Right: Inside Wills Memorial, graduation site.

 Left: The town of Bath.  Beautiful place!  Bath Abbey is behind me.  Right: Bath Abbey's front door, incredible!

Left and Right: More pictures of Bath.

 Left and Right: Oxford University.

Left: Christ Church, one of the Colleges of Oxford. Right: Christ Church Hall, where Harry Potter was filmed.

 Left and Right: The famous Eagle and Child pub where C.S. Lewis, J.R.R.Tolkien and the "Inklings" met weekly.

 The trip was wonderful.  Only having Ashley and the kids along could have made it better.  The paper presentation, fellowship time with fellow students and faculty, visiting with Nick and Laura Lee in Oxford, even the airline travel was a blast.  Can't wait to go back!