Needless to say it actually wasn't good timing because he was sitting down to take a Hebrew final online. Oh well, he said that he didn't even care at that point if he got a good grade or not. : )
The months leading up to delivery went so well and I could not have asked for better baby showers and gifts. We were blessed with having a baby shower at our home church in Corinth, MS and also at our current church, Holly Grove Baptist in Spring Hope, NC.
We were surprised when we went to my 37 week check-up that I had already dilated to 2 cm and was 50 % effaced. Would she come soon!!?!?
On the following Sunday during church I started having pretty strong contractions and I was having a hard time standing up straight. After church we headed home to let me rest to see if they were braxton hicks or if they were the real thing. They seemed to keep a consistent distance of 7 minutes apart so we decided to go ahead and call the doctor and our family. Dr. Moody told us to wait at home and if they continued on and stayed at 5 minutes apart for an hour then to come in. Our family quickly started gathering things together because they wanted to make the trip up here as quick as possible so they didn't miss the birth of their grand daughter.
The contractions continued on strong until 2:00 pm and then they stopped. Just went away. I was crushed. I just knew that this was it and our family was already on their way here. What were we going to do?! I jumped on the treadmill and walked, walked around the house trying to do anything that would make them come back. Nothing. Benjamin's mom and dad and my mom said they were going to go ahead and make the trip but I told my dad to go on back home because he only had a few days he could take off and I didn't want him to waste them.
Benjamin and I laid around the rest of the afternoon kind of bummed that today wasn't the day. We took a nap and then headed to the airport to get my mom and Benjamin's mom. On the way walking back to the car I doubled over in pain because the contractions had started back! They were strong and they started off 5 minutes apart! We quickly grabbed something to eat and headed back home to call the doctor. We talked to Dr. Moody and she said the best thing to do was to just come in and let her look at me to see what was going on. I was a nervous wreck going in. I DID NOT want to be sent back home. I was ready to see my sweet little angel.
About 10:30 pm:
Once Dr. Moody checked me she said I was completely effaced and 3 cm dilated. She said my contractions were so strong that she couldn't send me home so she broke my water and said in a couple of hours we would get to see our baby girl! I was so excited!
It didn't take long for things to pick up! At about 4 cm I went ahead and received my epidural so that I could get some rest. By that time Benjamin's dad and brother had gotten there and also our good friend, Katie Parker.
Katie, mom, and I hung out in the room while Benjamin napped in the chair and everyone else rested in the waiting area. I was too excited about what was about to happen to sleep!
About 8:25 am:
It was time to push!!! Everything was so calm and my nurse was wonderful. Mom took pictures for me and Benjamin was checking everything out. He didn't want to miss a thing! : ) I pushed for about an hour and then out came my sweet angel. She had the greatest little cone head because she had dropped early in my pregnancy and had been just hanging out in the birth canal. The whole process was the most amazing thing. This little body that God created inside of me was now entrusted to us to take care of and love.
We were beside ourselves to finally meet our little girl, Emma Claire Quinn. We love her so much and can't wait to see what plans God has for her. Thank you, Lord, for this sweet little blessing.
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