Monday, August 8, 2011

Emma Claire the Evangelist

I think once Benjamin is done with his schooling we will be sending Emma Claire to seminary. : )

She LOVES the stories of the Bible and gets so excited to share them with others. The other night in the hotel we were laying on the bed watching TV when the conversation went like this....

Emma Claire: "Mommy those people don't know about Jesus."
Benjamin: "Emma Claire, how do you know they don't know about Jesus?"
Emma Claire: "Well, Daddy, just look at them. See they don't know about Jesus!"

The next night we were eating dinner with some friends Benjamin had met while we he was at the conference when Emma Claire leaned over to me and said.....

Emma Claire: "Mommy, can I ask them if they know about God?"
Me: "Yes, baby, you can ask them if they know about God?"
Emma Clarie to Lauren: "Do you know about God?"
Lauren: "Yes, Emma Claire, I do know about God."
Emma Claire to Lauren: "Well, I want you to ask him (her boyfriend) if he knows about God, too".

I think she is going to be my little evangelist. : ) Her teacher told me the other day at school that during lunch she was explaining to all her friends at the lunch table how we are all sinners and that we have to chose whether or not we believe in God. She said that if we believe in God then we will go live with him in heaven when we die, but that if we don't choose God we have to go live with Satan who is a very bad leader. Sounds like she isn't Calvanist. : 0

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