Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Camp's Speech Screen

I wanted to update everyone on Camp's speech evaluation he had done with Melissa today.

Through Little Lambs I know the owners of Advantage Speech Therapy. Their daughter Ella was in my class a couple of years ago and they are just the sweetest family. The mom, Melissa, came today to the school and did a quick speech screen with Camp and then spoke with his teachers and me about how he is doing.

She had nothing but great things to say about my sweet boy which was so good for this momma to hear. She said that his cognitive skills were awesome. If she asked him to do something, i.e. put the hat on the table, then he would follow one to two step instuctions everytime. He also knew all of the age appropriate sounds, i.e. b for baby, m for momma, d for dada. He had no problem pronouncing them correctly which was a great thing. She said the only thing was that he is not talking as much as other children his age. However, this is very commom with boys who have older sibblings. They completely understand everything they just don't have the need to talk as much to get their point across. Melissa said that if there was going to be any kind of delay in his speech then this was the best to have and the easiest to fix. She said that he was very smart and would catch on very quick with  little bit of help.

She also gave us the option to wait it out a couple of months because he could gain it on his own, in his own time, or we could go ahead and let him have a couple of therapy sessions, which would do nothing but help him. After talking with Melissa and his teachers we decided to go ahead forward with the speech therapy for now. Camp is beginning to get very frustrated and act out because he hasn't figured out how to tell us exactly what he wants. For me it is very hard to see him come to tears because I can't figure out what he is trying to tell me. Now don't get me wrong he is speaking some just not more than one to two words at a time. I think with Melissa coming to see him it won't take long before we will be asking him to be quiet. : )

As long as everything goes through with our insurance we will begin speech sessions in two weeks. Melissa will come to Little Lambs once a week and spend 15 minutes with Camp inside his class with his classmates and then 15 minutes one on one with Melissa. I'm very thankful for Advantage Speech Therapy and their willingness to come to Camp's school where he feels more comfortable and do the sessions.

I will be sure to keep you updated on his progress! : )

Monday, September 26, 2011

First Gymnastics Class

This fall we decided to let Emma Claire begin to try to find her nich as to what extra activity she would enjoy. She had been to a ballet class last year at school and said she would like to try something else because it just wasn't for her. I was so proud that she recognized that and didn't just go because that was what her friends were doing. She also said she would like to try tee-ball but because she has never actually been to a game we decided to have her wait until spring to try it and go to a couple of the games this fall to see what she thought. Next choice, gymnastics! I really think she will do well at this. She went to a party a couple of months ago at a gym and I was amazed at how natural it came to her.

With all that said we found a gym in Youngsville that was a little more reasonably priced than the others and closer to home. It's callled DanceWorks Studio & WFG Tri County Gymnastics. They have everything from tap, jazz, ballet, gymnastics, tumbling, cheer, hip hop, modern, & lyrical dance. It was a very laid back atmosphere and Emma Claire just jumped right it. She was so very excited to get started.

Funny Story: When Emma Claire introduced herself to the instructor she told her that her name was 'Emma Claire Quinn'. She then asked her if she needed to call her by all three names and Emma Claire quickly told her yes. : 0 I told her I thought just 'Emma Claire' would be fine. Silly girl.

Sorry for all the pictures but this was a big deal for us. She is growing into a big girl and discovering who she wants to be!

They started off first at the long trampolines.  She did really well doing exactly what the instructor asked of her.

These small balance beams kept Camp busy! Just look how sweaty he was. : )

Way to go, Emma Claire! Just look at that form and ups. Chels, you like that?!

A little stretching...


Love that little profile!

More good form!

This was the only place I saw where she had a little trouble. It took her a while to figure out how to jump and push herself to the top of the bar. The instructors were so sweet and patient with her. They also don't have more than 7 children per adult in their classes which ables them to spend more time with the children individually.

Click Here to watch a video of her first time on the bars.

Chels, the picture on the bottom left makes me laugh! She might need you to give her a few pointers on this one. : ) Bottom Right: Click Here to watch a video of her playing a balance game.

After the class was over I told her I wanted to hear everything she thought about it and get a few pictures of her. This is immediatly what she started doing. Ham.

 Needless to say that gymnastics was a hit! She loved it and can't wait to go back! I guess we will start filling out the forms so that she can officially get started. : )

Where's Sissy!?

I walked up on this scene today.... Camp was saying "Where's Sissy?!"

Emma Claire was doing her best to explain to him how to curl up to get inside the basket but he just didn't get it. He kept laying sprawled out on the floor like a lifeless body. : )
So thankful they have each other to play with!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Steph's Homemade Pumpkin Bread

Yesterday I was able to try my hand at my friend Stephanie's homemade pumpkin bread. It was so, so yummy and very easy. I also love that the recipe made a lot so we had plenty to share with our neighbors and friends. Now that the fall weather is here go and try it! I promise you will love it too!


3 Cups Self Rising Flour
3 Cups Sugar
1 Cup Oil (I used crisco because I was out of regular oil)
3 Eggs
2 Cups or 1 Can of Pumpkin
1 tsp. Cinnamon
1 tsp. Ground Cloves
1 tsp. Nutmeg

Preheat oven to 350*. (I actually do 340*)
Grease and Flour pans.
Mix all ingredients together and apportion into pans of choice.

I was able to make two loaves of bread and 12 muffins.

Loaves of bread appx. 45-50 minutes.
Muffins appx. 25 minutes.

You know you want to go try it!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Camp's Classroom Party

Yesterday we picked up donuts and took them to school to celebrate Camp's birthday with his friends!

Look at these cute shirts our friend Juana made for the kids to wear. Aren't they adorable? My big boy.

I love this picture on the left. Just look at his tongue licking his lips! He was so ready to have that donut. : )

He was so excited! Right: This is Camp's new pose when you tell him to say cheese. He cocks that head to the side and says 'cheeeeeeeeese'!

Left: Me and the birthday boy! Right: Camp and his teachers, JuJu and Ms. Susan.

Circle Time!

Happy Birthday, BooBoo! Mommy loves you!!!