Emma Claire and I were ecstatic when we found out the the program was going to be going on while we were in town. For the entire week we went every night and watched the rehearsals and were actually able to take part in it a bit.
On Thursday night for the dress rehearsal my Uncle Lee, which is my Godfather, drove over from Alabama to watch it with us. It was so, so good to see him and be able to catch up with him for a while. I so wish my children were able to grow up close to him.
Ooh, did I forget to mention that I did play violin in the orchestra for a short time! Don't even ask me to get it out because I couldn't play a single note now. : )
Notice the Pharisee on the left? That's PePaw! Bottom Right: That is Uncle Brandon playing Joseph of Arimathea!
GG is in that crowd somewhere, too. I never could find her so she must be hiding in the back. : )
I love looking through all this pictures and seeing faces that are so dear to us.
Bottom Right: That is cousin Ritchie playing the Pharisee and cousin Hayden playing the little boy.
Cousin Reid is the tall solider!
I have to say I thought he did the best on his acting. : )
Great acting, PePaw!!
Aren't these pictures just heart wrenching? I cried every performance.
They are singing God of All God's in these scenes. It has to be my favorite all time song.
Guess who got to take part in heaven!!
Emma Claire missed her Easter program at school so we could go to MS, but I think getting to take part in the Passion Play made up for that. She was thrilled!
Bottom Right: Some of the cousins; Ginger, April, Mallie, Emma Claire, & Hayden.
Make my heart swell. : )
Not the greatest picture of the banners but some of them have been in the program since I was a small child. They bring back very fond memories for me.
Ah, I remember when little Will was born. He did a wonderful job singing the little choir boys part.
This is Reid carrying the cross that has been in the program since I was a little girl.
So thankful that I got to spend some special time with my Uncle Lee!
So thankful for Bro. Jim, Mrs. Carol, & Jon and all their hard work preparing the program. They did such a wonderful job and soooo many lives will be touched through this portrayal of Christ's death, burial, and RESURRECTION.
It's the greatest story of LOVE!
These are great pictures. Beautiful! The picture of your mom and Emma Claire standing in front of her is precious. Your mom's hand is touching her should so sweetly! Beautiful and precious moments. Enjoy your Spring Break! love you guys.