Friday, December 5, 2008

Reward Jar

I have been wanting to implement some type of rewards system with Emma Claire for a while but I wasn't sure how to go about it.  I thought about making some type of chart that she could put stickers on or put x's on when she obeyed or helped Mommy around the house.  She is a great little helper and even cleans up on her own sometimes without being asked. I wanted her to be rewarded for all of her positive behaviors. I got the idea of the Rewards Jar from a classroom at preschool who do something similar to this idea.  Today I spent time decorating it and making something special for Emma Claire. We made the jar very colorful and even put her name on it and we purchased small glitter pom-pom balls at Wal-Mart to fill the jar with. The idea is that every time she obeys, does  a good deed, shares, potties, etc. that she gets to put pom-poms in her jar.  For example, today while I was making the jar Emma Claire went to the potty and did a shew-shew in it.  After we celebrated she got to put 3 pom-poms in her jar.  Once the jar is full she gets to do or get something really special.  Something like going to Chucky Cheese, going to the park, or buying a small toy at wal-mart.  I think this will be very beneficial to her.  We will never take the pom-poms out for disobedience because we don't want this to replace disciplining her.  It is strictly for her to be rewarded for all of her good behavior. Let me know what you think. Pros and Cons.


comment by RaRa on 01/11/2009

YOU DID IT!! I knew you could. You are such a big help to Mommy and Daddy and are learning to obey when you are told. Thank you for being so sweet. I love you!

comment by GG on 12/05/2008

Great Idea! Just remember that Grandparents get to reward her regardless of how she behaves since she's always "perfect" in our eyes!! :)

comment by Kayla Essary on 12/05/2008

I do this in my classroom, but with fishes! My third graders love it!

comment by RaRa on 12/05/2008

Great Idea. This will be a really good visual tool for her to feel good about her accomplishments. Keep us posted on how full it gets with a picture every now and then. I know she will work hard to obey and be pleasing in the eyes of God AND her parents. She is just that kind of girl! Love it!

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