"How deep the Father's Love." This is the title and the first line of one of my favorite songs. Of course, the Father in the song is God the Father, but I can't help thinking about my own position as a father and wonder "how deep this father's love?" Christmas is my favorite time of the year, and this year was another great one. Emma Claire was a blast. She had her few days of fussiness after a long drive and a lot of crowded houses, but I can hardly blame her for that. She loved opening presents, getting presents, handing out presents, and playing with other people's presents. It was a lot of fun to watch. The best story from Christmas 08, however, is not about presents. It's about Ashley and Emma Claire by the Christmas tree. Ashley was showing Emma Claire the ornaments on the tree and she pointed at Santa Clause. Emma Claire had no clue who Santa was, but when Ashley pointed at Jesus EC knew exactly who He was. Now, we're not the boycott Santa type (though it is way overdone in many families), but what a blessing that Emma Claire knows already what Christmas is really about. I couldn't have asked for a better Christmas gift; I've gotta say I really love my girls! "How deep the Father's love for us, how vast beyond all measure. That He would give His only Son, to make a wretch His treasure." And may we always make Him our treasure.
Emma Claire was an angel in the church's Christmas Program.
We're headed to MS!!
comment by GG on 01/08/2009
Emma Claire: I am sooo thankful to know that your Mommy & Daddy love you so much that they make sure you're learning what the REAL reason is for the Christmas Season.
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