Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 2 of Potty Training Boot Camp

She did it!!!! Emma Claire woke up dry this morning!!!

Emma Claire normally wakes up about 7:30 in the mornings so of course I didn't set an alarm. I had tossed and turned all night waking up everytime I heard her move in her bed. At 8:15 I woke up and she still had not moved a muscle. I quickly got out of bed to get things started for the day.

When I went in to wake her up I was expecting to find that she had, had an accident. She had slept all night and she had even slept late. Either way I was still proud of her. BUT she was DRY!! I slowly woke her up, told her how proud I was of her, and asked her if she needed to go potty. Again, Miss Grouchy, said No. So we decided to get some books and read in the bed with Daddy before he had to go to church. We had been laying there 15 to 20 minutes when she grabbed my face and said "Mommy, I go potty," so up we went. What a success! She made it to the potty with no accident.

Today was a little harder because Benjamin had to go to church this morning for services and tonight for a business meeting. It just so happened the time he was home was the time she was napping. Are you kidding me??!?!!

Emma Claire had an over all great day! She caught herself everytime she started to potty and took off running. She always finished in the potty but sometimes her panties were a little damp from where she was trying to hold it in. She also went Poo-Poo in the potty twice!! I was so proud of her!! We celebrated with a candy treat once and a MM's treat once. She also woke up from her nap dry again today! Way to Go, Emma Claire!!!

We are now in the bed for night Number 2. She has had such a great two days that I am expecting a slip up somewhere. I know she can do it, but I also know that she is only two; mistakes are gonna happen. Who cares! Can I say again how proud of her I am.

Tomorrow will be a big change for her. I have got to go to the Doctor in the morning so she will be going to stay with a friend for a little bit. I know that she will do fine but I still wonder if she's 'ready'.

I will keep you updated on Day 3 Tomorrow! Good Night.

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