Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Emma Claire's Two Year Check-Up

I took Emma Claire to the Dr. the other day for her two year check up and Dr. Dirk said "They don't make them more healthier and perfect than that!". It was so wonderful to hear even though I knew she was great! ; )

I was nervous going into the visit because the last time we went was such a disaster. Emma Claire had the catheter done and since then she does not like unfamiliar people looking at her and much less touching her. I had explained that morning everything Dr. Dirk was going to do and we would practice. He is going to look into your ears, into your mouth, and into your eyes. She thought is was so funny that she was getting to stick her tongue out. Needless to say she did great. She sat there let him listen to her heart and look in her ears like a pro. At one point he was rubbing her feet and stopped and she picked them back up, sat them in his hands and said "Moe gin". Which meant, she wanted him to keep rubbing her feet. So Funny.

Once the visit was over he said that Emma Claire was way ahead of the game. She was very smart and skilled beyond her age. Where most children are just learning to put two words together for a sentence she is now using 8 to 10 in a sentence. Then we talked about her Asthma. I wanted to know how we would know if she was growing out of it or not if we were continuing to give her all the medications she takes. On a regular day she takes two breathing treatments with her nebulizer and 4 mg of Singular. Dr. Dirk said the only way we would know is to start taking her off some of her medicine so we decided to try taking her down to only one breathing treatment a day and taking her Singular. At the first sign of any wheezing or coughing she needed to go back on her full medicine. However, after only two days of only having one treatment we found out she couldn't handle it. My poor baby coughed and coughed and coughed. It wasn't worth it for her. So, we are back on our medications as normal and will wait until she is a little older to try again.

AND, we are once again big for our age! She measured at 36 inches for her height which is 92 percentile for her age. She weighed 33 pounds which is 96 percentile and her head was 49.3 cm which is 90 percentile for her age. We sure do have a growing girl!!

As we were leaving Emma Claire gave Dr. Dirk a big hug, said "Thank You", and headed for the door. As she reached the door she turned to me and said "Give him kiss?". Dr. Dirk said "what did she say?" I told him she wanted to give him a kiss. He said "Girl, you know exactly how to get my morning started off great!". With his arms wide open Emma Claire ran over and give him a kiss on the cheek. It was such a wonderful visit!


comment by GG & Poppa on 03/15/2009

Emma Claire - We had no doubt that the doctor would find you "perfect" in every way!!

We love you SO BIG!!

comment by Poppa on 03/15/2009

Emma Claire - At the rate you're growing, you may pass your Daddy some day..keeping him the "runt" of the litter.

comment by RaRa on 03/12/2009

I am thankful her spirits were calmed. She is blessed to have parents that take time to teach her. You did a great job Ashley preparing her for the things to come that made the visit so relaxed. And man . . . she is growing up way too fast! Dr. Dirk's not telling me anything I didn't already know in that they don't make them any better or more perfect! I love you Emma Claire! You will always be RaRa's baby no matter how BIG you get!

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