- For the most part she obeys the first time she is asked to do something.
- She very much has a leader personality and isn't swade easily.
- She doesn't argue with her teachers when told to do something.
- She is good to solve conflict with her friends.
- If Emma Claire is upset over something and her teacher just takes time to explain it to her then she is fine. She just needs to understand the why. : )
- She does great with one-on-one teaching and doesn't get distracted by what her friends are doing.
- Academicaly she is right where she should be for a three year old.
- Emma Claire talks very mature for her age and sometimes you actually forget how old she is.
- She gets VERY excited about anything they are doing in class. Sometime so much that Mrs. Amy will have to remind her that she knows she is excited but they are inside and need to talk softer.
Here is a copy of her progress report:
I was actually very pleased with everything Mrs. Amy had to say. It seems that most of the issues we are dealing with at home are not a problem at school. She is joy at school and is very excited to learn!
Here are some things I loved about her evaluation:
- On Letter recognition she said 'A' was for Mommy.
- 'B' was for Daddy.
- 'C' was for Camp.
- 'O' was for Zero.
- 'P' was for PePaw.
- A '3' was an 'E'.
- '10' was a '1' and a 'Zero'.
- That she identified all the letters in her name except for 'ire' and we haven't even started working on 'Claire' yet! : )
I'm so proud of you, Emma Claire Quinn. You are learning SO much at school this year and are doing a great job obeying your teachers. I love you!
Way to Go Emma Claire! So proud of you! Pepaw and RaRa love you VERY much! Pepaw especially liked your letter "p". :)