Saturday, November 6, 2010

4 Babies Under 4?

Today I had a friend who was in a bind and needed childcare for her two little ones so I volunteered to help her out. It was just a little bit of craziness around here. There was Camp (1 year old), Baxter (2 years old), Emma Claire (3 years old), and Georgia (4 years old). Boy were they busy. (or was it just me?!?) Emma Claire was so excited to have friends over that she stood looking out her bedroom window watching for their van to arrive. I was a little bit proud of my self here because I had all of them sitting down for a snack at the same time. BUT, as we know to much pride will turn around to bite you! : 0

The dear Lord sure blessed me when He allowed me only to have one child at a time because I don't think this ole Momma could keep up with two the same age. I felt like a lunch room lady fixing lunch for all of them.  

Now don't let this picture deceive you because I only had them this way for about 5 minutes watching a movie while Camp was taking a nap. The kids really did have a great time playing together and for the most part they were very good. Nothing unusual for kiddos there age. : )

Here is a picture of the whole Finn clan; Nathan, Leah, Georgia, Baxter, & baby #3 on the way.

Nathan has been somewhat of a mentor for Benjamin. He and Nathan meet for breakfast once a week and discuss......well, you know, I don't really know what they discuss, but I'm sure they talk about something that is important. : ) They have been sweet friends to us here at SEBTS and am thankful God placed them in our lives.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Friend, you did such a great job with them, and I appreciate the last minute help SO MUCH! Please let me know anytime we can return the favor. And I am also like you, and praising the Lord that I had my babies one at a time (though He would definitely give grace if I did have twins! or more!)

    (sorry, the above post was from me too, but I was signed in under Nathan)
