Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Runner's Camp July 2013

This summer Emma Claire was finally old enough to attend Runner's Camp with our church and she was beyond ecstatic!

From the moment they started making announcements about it at church she began counting down the days until she could attend. They usually hold two camps; one in June and one in July. She chose to do the camp in July because she loves going to VBS at Bay Leaf and it turned out to be the same week in June.

Runner's Camp is an outreach that our church does every summer just like other church's hold VBS. It's such a great ministry and this summer they saw around 600 children come through the camp and each one got to hear the Gospel.

The night before her first day at camp we had everything laid out and ready to go. We had to leave our house at 7:30 each morning so that she would be with her group and ready to go by 8:00am.

On Monday morning she jumped out of bed ready to go! She was super pumped on the way until this happened...

The bottom dropped out and it showed no signs of slowing up. As we pulled into the parking lot they decided to cancel camp for the day. She was crushed! She had been waiting weeks for her first day at camp.

So what did we do?!? We made a drive by to Dunkin' Donuts! A little hot chocolate on a rainy day always makes things better. : )

So, for day two she was ready to go!

I have to say I was quite nervous about her first day. Emma Claire loves dancing and arts which is wonderful but I have no clue how to help with those. All I know is athletics. I was crossing my fingers that she would have a wonderful time and really want to pursue playing some type of sport, too.

Toward the close of the day I got a phone call from her coach saying it was pouring down rain at camp and I needed to come get her. When she jumped in the car this is the face I got...she LOVED it! She had loved her day and couldn't wait to go back. She especially loved the closing ceremony they had each day and playing man, gun, bear with her friends. : )

She was so excited that she got to see her buddy, Elijah, too! These two have been friends since diapers and are the best of buddies.

On Friday of camp they had their first day of their track meet. Each child got to choose 2 events that they wanted to compete in. Emma Claire chose the high jump and the javelin.

See my girl coming across the finish line for her warm-up lap?

Here is a little flash forward to Friday evening...Emma Claire, Dawson, and I got stuck at the school with a flat tire. Thankfully AAA came to fix it for us because we were scorching in the 95 degree heat we had that day. That's a service we'll keep paying for. : )

In between their competitions the teams got to go have a little fun. Emma Claire thought the dunking booth was great!

Not a great picture of Mrs. Ashley because her eyes are closed but it's the only one I had. She was Emma Claire's team coach all week. She has such a great heart and really poured her week into these kids. I am so, so thankful that Emma Claire was place with her!

Dawson tuckered out on me before long. : ) Right: I'm not really sure what Emma Claire was doing here but the picture sure was funny. Maybe she was trying to get everyone pumped up! : ) They were getting ready to compete in the javelin.

They each got two throws. The first one was her best, but I only got a video of her second. Click Here to watch. She did such a great job and placed 6th in her age group!

A little duck, duck, goose to pass the time away until the next event. : )

She was so proud of her ribbon! I also loved this little obstacle course they had set up for them. Emma Claire is in the back coming over the wall. Can you see her big white bow? That was on purpose! I knew if I put that big bow on her I would be able to keep up with her no problem in this big sea of blue shirts. : )

Next was the high jump...I didn't get a video but did get some pretty good pictures of her jumping.

The mat was about as tall as she was. : )

Guess who got third?! This little girl right here! Way to, Sissy!!

Emma Claire loved the end of the day when all the groups would come together to sing and play games. I think it was one of her favorite parts. ; )

The next day they held all the running events at Heritage High School's track. We were there bright and early with our bells on because the Walk of Champions was to begin at 8:00am!

Look who got to carry the flag for the 6 year old girls. : ) This made her day!

We found one of the coveted spots in the shade which was great and Camp made himself right at home. : )

Emma Claire's first event that she chose was the 100 meter dash. She is in the lane farthest to the left. See the bow??

Click Here to watch a video of her competing.

Most every 6 year old girl competed in this race because it was the shortest race option. They had to race in smaller groups but she was actually competing against every one that ran the race. She did receive a participation ribbon which she was quite proud of!

A little after the race coaching from Daddy & a big hug from her proud big brother!

Here is Emma Claire stretching Camp before the sibling race. She wanted to make sure he was good and prepped. : )

Look at that stride!

The only problem was that he didn't know when to stop!

Emma Claire's next event was the 100 meter hurdles. She did so well at this event and even placed 6th! So proud of my girl!

Click Here to watch a video of her compete.

The last event she competed in was the 400 meter race. She was competing with the 6 and 7 year old girls. You can tell by watching the video that she was in the lead for most of this race (within her age group) but towards the end fell to the back. She didn't understand that she could move to the inside of the track once they started. Had she known that I think she would have smoked them! ; )

Click Here to watch her compete. Watch for the gigantic white bow.

She still placed 5th place! ; )

We had such a great time at Emma Claire's track meet. I think this stage is so much with our kids and can't wait for many more days like this!

On Sunday after the meet all of the camp kids were invited to our church to sing one of their songs in worship. Emma Claire thought this was the greatest thing EVER. She was thrilled that she got to get on stage and sing in front of everyone. She told me once that when she gets big she wants to be a singer on a big stage. : )

Before they sang they played this video with a recap of their week...Click Here to Watch.

Click Here to Watch a snip-it of them singing.

I am so thankful for the wonderful week she had and can't wait to take her back to participate next year!

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