Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Becoming an Offical Cubbie

For Emma Claire to Become an Official Cubbie in Awana she had to memorize 3 Bible Verses and her Club Motto. I was soooo proud of what she accomplished and wanted to jot them down so we could remember the first Bible Verses she learned.

".....God....loved us, and sent His Son... (1 John 4:10)

".....All have sinned...." (Romans 3:23)

"....While we were....sinners, [Jesus] Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)

Club Motto: Jesus Loves Me

Yea, Emma Claire!!! Mommy is proud of you!

Left: Cubbies Class Time. Right: Waiting her turn to get her award.

 Left: Aaron. Right: Emma Claire

Left: Carlee. Right: Silas

Left: Yea, Emma Claire!! She said 3 verses and the Cubbies Motto to become an official Cubbie! YEA!!! Right: Showing off her new vest and book.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Camp's First Bath

Random September Photos

 Intramurals 2009.

 Daddy's Team is called 'Aches N Pains'. : )

Left: Emma Claire hanging out with our friends, Mrs. Rachael, Lana, & new baby Tucker. Right: Emma Claire and Lana decided to help clean up all the loose cups that the players had been drinking out of.

Left: Emma Claire's First Time to be able to ride her tricycle All By Herself! Right: Gathering everything she 'thinks' she needs to take to Wal-Mart.

Left: Do we seriously need all this stuff? Right: It was so pretty outside that Emma Claire had art time and lunch on the back porch.

Left: We got to join Daddy for a Campus Cookout at Southeastern. Right: Emma Claire and Chloe waiting their turn to jump in the jump houses.

 Left: Emma Claire and Daddy racing to finish the obstacle course.

Left: She had a blast and was exhausted by the time we went home.

Right: Camp's used the beautiful sunny afternoon to sun-bathe. :)


Left: Go Away Jaundice, Go Away!

 Helping feed Camp his first bottle.

Emma Claire insisted that she and Camp where the same color pj's.

 Right: First night at home.