Monday, February 19, 2007

Emma Claire's Birth Story

My sweet baby I could not have asked for a better first pregnancy and delivery. I found out that I was pregnant the morning of Father's Day, June 18, 2006 and decided that I would wait and surprise Benjamin by getting him a gift...

Needless to say it actually wasn't good timing because he was sitting down to take a Hebrew final online. Oh well, he said that he didn't even care at that point if he got a good grade or not. : )

The months leading up to delivery went so well and I could not have asked for better baby showers and gifts. We were blessed with having a baby shower at our home church in Corinth, MS and also at our current church, Holly Grove Baptist in Spring Hope, NC.

We were surprised when we went to my 37 week check-up that I had already dilated to 2 cm and was 50 % effaced. Would she come soon!!?!?

On the following Sunday during church I started having pretty strong contractions and I was having a hard time standing up straight. After church we headed home to let me rest to see if they were braxton hicks or if they were the real thing. They seemed to keep a consistent distance of 7 minutes apart so we decided to go ahead and call the doctor and our family. Dr. Moody told us to wait at home and if they continued on and stayed at 5 minutes apart for an hour then to come in. Our family quickly started gathering things together because they wanted to make the trip up here as quick as possible so they didn't miss the birth of their grand daughter.

The contractions continued on strong until 2:00 pm and then they stopped. Just went away.  I was crushed. I just knew that this was it and our family was already on their way here. What were we going to do?! I jumped on the treadmill and walked, walked around the house trying to do anything that would make them come back. Nothing. Benjamin's mom and dad and my mom said they were going to go ahead and make the trip but I told my dad to go on back home because he only had a few days he could take off and I didn't want him to waste them.

Benjamin and I laid around the rest of the afternoon kind of bummed that today wasn't the day. We took a nap and then headed to the airport to get my mom and Benjamin's mom. On the way walking back to the car I doubled over in pain because the contractions had started back! They were strong and they started off 5 minutes apart! We quickly grabbed something to eat and headed back home to call the doctor. We talked to Dr. Moody and she said the best thing to do was to just come in and let her look at me to see what was going on. I was a nervous wreck going in. I DID NOT want to be sent back home. I was ready to see my sweet little angel.

About 10:30 pm:
Once Dr. Moody checked me she said I was completely effaced and 3 cm dilated. She said my contractions were so strong that she couldn't send me home so she broke my water and said in a couple of hours we would get to see our baby girl! I was so excited!

It didn't take long for things to pick up! At about 4 cm I went ahead and received my epidural so that I could get some rest. By that time Benjamin's dad and brother had gotten there and also our good friend, Katie Parker.

Katie, mom, and I hung out in the room while Benjamin napped in the chair and everyone else rested in the waiting area. I was too excited about what was about to happen to sleep!

About 8:25 am:
It was time to push!!! Everything was so calm and my nurse was wonderful. Mom took pictures for me and Benjamin was checking everything out. He didn't want to miss a thing! : )  I pushed for about an hour and then out came my sweet angel. She had the greatest little cone head because she had dropped early in my pregnancy and had been just hanging out in the birth canal. The whole process was the most amazing thing. This little body that God created inside of me was now entrusted to us to take care of and love.

We were beside ourselves to finally meet our little girl, Emma Claire Quinn. We love her so much and can't wait to see what plans God has for her. Thank you, Lord, for this sweet little blessing.


Emma Claire's Growth Chart


38 lbs

When I took Emma Claire to the doctor yesterday she weighed 38 pounds! I weighed Camp today and he weighs 30 pounds! I think he's going to catch her. : )



41 lbs

Today at the Doctor's Office Emma Claire weighed 41 pounds! : )



35 lbs. 37.25 in.

I can't believe my little princess is 3 years old! She passed her 3 year old check-up with a breeze and was on on the top of the chart for fine motor, gross motor, communication, & problem solving!

She was in the 50% for her height and still in the 90% for her weight. She's a growing girl!



33 lbs. 36 in.

What a great doctors visit!! He said he can't get them more perfect and more healthier than that! Emma Claire was a pro and we are still holding on to the top of our percentile chart. 96 % for our weight, 92 % for our height, and 90 % for our head.



27 lbs. 12 oz. 33 1/2 in.

Today Emma Claire was 90% for her weight, 92% for her height, and a whopping 95% for her head! She is above average for her age, but very evenly proportioned. She is growing up way too fast!



26 lbs. 32 in.

Emma Claire is growing like a weed. Today she was 50% for her weight and 25% for her height. Yea 15 month check-up!



23 lbs. 6 oz. 29.5 in.



19 lbs. 10 oz. 28.75 in.



11 lbs. 6 oz. 25.5 in.


Emma Claire Quinn

Birth Weight: 8 lbs oz
Birth Length: 21.5 in
Head Circ: 33 cm
Birth Date : 02/19/2007
Birth Time: 09:24 am
Birth Place: Raleigh, NC
Blood Type: B+


Emma Claire's Fun Facts

Emma Claire Quinn's first trip to the zoo was on 04/02/2010

While RaRa and PePaw were here for a visit we took Emma Claire and Camp to the zoo for the first time. You will have to read the journal for all the details, but the kids loved getting to see all the animals!


Emma Claire's Two New Sayings For This Week: 02/03/2010

"I REALLY want to" and "I SURE did".


Emma Claire Quinn's favorite show is her Barbie Movie. (09/06/2009)

RaRa got Emma Claire a Barbie Movie and it goes with us Everywhere.


Emma Claire Quinn's favorite outdoor activity is going to climb on the Big Rock in our neighborhood. (08/15/2009)

Every afternoon after Daddy gets home we have to take a walk to climb on the Big Rock.


first time staying away from Mommy and Daddy overnight. 07/29/2009

When Mommy was pregnant with Baby Camp she got Kidney Stones and had to stay in the hospital overnight. Daddy stayed with her so I got to stay at home with PePaw.


Emma Claire Quinn's favorite color is PINK!!! (06/08/2009)

We are ALL girl!


Is Fully Potty Trained!!! 04/01/2009



Emma Claire Quinn's first hair cut was on 02/19/2009

We didn't get much cut, but just a little trim. We went to a fun kids place with cars to get your haircut in, but Emma Claire insisted on sitting in Mommy's Lap. : )


Emma Claire's First SNOW!!! 01/20/2009

Today Emma Claire saw her first snow! She was very excited and kept saying it was "knowing, knowing"!


Emma Claire Quinn's first time using the potty was on 11/16/2008

Emma Claire used the potty!! Yea!! It was at 8:00 pm before she went to bed. And of course she got her M&M's that Mommy promised!!


Emma Claire Quinn's favorite show is Mrs. Patty Cake (10/14/2008)

Emma Claire LOVES Mrs. Patty Cake!!! It's a Christian video with stories and music. It is her absolute favorite!


Emma Claire Quinn's hair color is Strawberry Blonde (10/14/2008)

Right now Emma Claire's hair is strawberry blonde. It has gone from red red to what it is now. Who knows what it will end up. : )


Emma Claire Quinn's first time swimming was 06/14/2008

She had so much fun! She was fearless in the water. She would walk right off the edge if we weren't careful.


Emma Claire Quinn's first time playing on the beach was 06/13/2008

We went to Port Charlotte, Fl for a vacation with our friends Dan & Erin Shafers and Will & Valerie Trautman. We had a blast!


First time to draw with a pencil the correct way 06/02/2008

It was out of no where. She just picked up a pencil the correct way and started drawing. Amazing!!


First time Emma Claire said "Nuffin" 05/07/2008

Benjamin came home and asked Emma Claire what she had done that day and her response was "Nuffin". Hilarious!


Emma Claire Quinn's favorite song is Little Bonnie Fu-Fu (05/04/2008)

Emma Claire LOVES singing Little Bunny Fu-Fu! She will slap her hands together when we bop that field mice on the head.


Emma Claire said Bird 05/04/2008

This afternoon Benjamin & I took Emma Claire outside to enjoy the beautiful afternoon. While we were outside we saw some birds and I pointed to them and told her that it was a bird. From then on every time she saw one she would point to it and say "Burd". It was great!!!!


Emma Claire Quinn's favorite animal is Pup-Pup (05/01/2008)

Emma Claire LOVES puppies!!! She will look at them and either say "Pup-Pup" of "Woof-Woof". It's great!


Emma Claire Quinn's first steps were on 12/20/2007

Emma Claire took 3 steps!!!!!!


Emma Claire Quinn's first time standing was 12/07/2007

Emma Claire stood for 5-10 seconds at the Parker's!! Yea!!!!


Emma Claire Quinn said DaDa for the first time on 10/30/2007

Of course it wasn't long till she said Da-Da!!


Emma Claire Quinn's first time crawling was 10/30/2007

She's Crawling !!!!!!


Emma Claire Quinn's first word was Momma (10/27/2007)

She said "Momma"!!! Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!


Emma Claire Quinn's first tooth was on 10/15/2007

Emma Claire started alot of new things in October! Even cutting teeth. She cut her two bottom teeth within one day of each other.


Emma Claire Quinn's first time sitting up unassisted was 08/19/2007

She can finally sit-up all by herself!


Emma Claire Quinn's first time sleeping in their own bedroom was 08/10/2007

When we got back to North Carolina from spending the summer in Idaho we moved Emma Claire into her own bedroom. Yea! She is in her on Bedroom.


Emma Claire Quinn learned how to use a sippy cup on 07/16/2007

We're drinking from a Sippy Cup!! Yea!!!


Emma Claire Quinn's first laugh was on 06/17/2007

Emma Claire laughed at Mommy on Father's Day!


Emma Claire Quinn's first time rolling over was on 06/07/2007

Emma Claire rolled over for the first time and Mommy missed it because her back was turned. She didn't miss it the next time though! Daddy missed it until the 5th time. : )


Emma Claire Quinn's first vacation/trip was to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho (06/04/2007)

We went to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho to do a summer intern with Scott Hanberry. We had a wonderful summer there!! It was beautiful!


Emma Claire Quinn found his/her feet on 05/28/2007

She found her feet!!!


Emma Claire Quinn's first day of Pre School was 04/10/2007

I love going to Pre-School!!


Emma Claire Quinn's first plane ride 04/02/2007

She was only 6 weeks old! We took her to Mississippi to meet all of her family!


Emma Claire Quinn's eye color is BROWN (02/19/2007)

Emma Claire got her Brown eyes from her mommy!

They were grey when she was born but later turned to brown. : )