Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Flying Kites

The weather here in North Carolina has been unusually beautiful this month and we couldn't let it go to waste. On Sunday afternoon after church we pulled out the kites and headed to campus. I thought the day would be spent with Benjamin and I running our tails off flying the kites because the kids wouldn't know how to do it. Boy was I wrong. Emma Claire flew hers by herself the entire time and after a little help from Daddy, Camp took his on solo, too.

Look how high Emma Claire has her kite!

Our friend Alicia came to play with us, too! Sometimes you just get a little caught up in the string. : )

Camp was in love and was the happiest little boy ever. Why wouldn't he be?! He was able to run all he wanted and was able to fly his kite on his own. Big accomplishment.

Can you see how high Camp's kite is?!? He did so good!

There is always a little time for tree climbing.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Birthday Weekend with Emma Claire

Since Emma Claire's birthday was on a Sunday this year we celebrated during lunch at her favorite resturant, Red Robin! Or Red Robins as she calls it. She was beyond excited when they came singing happy birthday to her and brought this yummy treat!

Of course celebrating a birthday is an all day event! After dinner we fixed her treat of choice, monkey bread with ice cream... I think we all enjoyed it as much as she did. : )

Right: Chilling out with PePaw watching cartoons.

Did I mention we celebrate birthdays for DAYS? Well, on Monday before we took PePaw and RaRa to the airport we stopped by Olive Garden to party one last time. Thanks, Juana, for the awesome shirt!

We were so glad we got to share this special time with RaRa & PePaw.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Emma Claire's 5th Birthday Party

For me there are just some birthday's that we celebrate bigger than others. Those being 1, 5, 10, 13, & 16. SO, this was one of those BIG years! A year ago I purchased a groupon from A Fairy Tale Experience for a princess of our choice to come to Emma Claire's birthday party. She was so excited and chose for Snow White to come celebrate with us.

Because we live so far out we hosted the party at Bay Leaf where I work and the kids go to school. I was a little bit unsure about how i felt about her party there but it was perfect. There was plenty of room, it was close to where all her friends lived, and it was easy clean up.

Thanks to Pinterest we had plenty of cute decor ideas this year. : )

Just look at that expression on her face when she walked in...

My Birthday Princess!

I was so proud of these cake stands I made from items at the dollar store! Holla.

Left: Camp & Uncle Bruce. Right: All the girls came dressed as little princesses so it was only right that Camp come dressed as a prince!

Party favors and treat bags for all their jewelry.

Right: Ella & Emma Claire

Left: We had some little girls doing their best to peak for Snow White. Right: Snow White just walked in!

They were so excited! She was soooo good with them and really spent time to make them feel special. They couldn't take their eyes off her.

After she spent time getting to know them she went straight to work helping them make their own special tiaras.

Prince Camp even got to make a crown!

Left: Avery; Right: Charlotte

Left: Alyssa; Right: Prince or Ninja?

Up next was make-overs! Emma Claire was so excited to sit with Snow White, spend one-on-one time, get to put on make up, hair-flowers, & jewelry. She felt like such a princess.

Right: While the girls were getting their make-overs two of my friends, Starla & Cheryl, painted fingernails. It was complete pampering for the little princesses!

Right: Ella & Allison

Let me just give you a blurp about this Snow White. First of all, she was awesome. She was completely in character from the time she got out of her car. Benjamin met her outside, introduced himself as Benjamin and she responded as 'I'm Snow White'! Then when she came inside I met her in the hallway, before going in to see the girls, to chat with her about the order of events and she responded to me just as the character. She did great overseeing the party!

Left: Taylor & Avery; Right: Charlotte & Ava

Right: Prince Camp kept sneaking over to the table and grabbing a snack. I don't even want to know how many strawberries he ate. : )

Right: Even Kalei got her fingernails painted!

While the girls waited for Snow White to finish up the make-overs they had an awesome dance party.

Right: We added a last minute ice cream cake to the aray of treats!

After Snow White finished the make-overs she sat and treated them to a story. Of course she read 'Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs'. The girls were completely intranced and so were the parents. She was such a wonderful story teller! We all stood so still to listen.

It was a LONG story and NO ONE moved a muscle.

We had set up the table 'tea party' style so the girls would get the whole experience. We had to go all out fancy.

Snow White was really sweet to give Emma Claire undivided attention. She would sit with her and really talk with her about anything she wanted to talk about. Even where the Seven Dwarfs were that day. : )

This was the funny part because we had gotten sparkler candles and they would. not. go. out. Emma Claire blew, Snow White blew, I blew, Uncle Bruce blew... it was really a group effort to get them to stop relighting.

Right: Ava

So thankful for our birthday princess!

Right: Liza picking out her jewelry to take home.

Left: I love this picture of Emma Claire. She was really telling them something! Right: Present Time!

 Before the girls left we had a photo shoot with each of them with their new jewelry, make-up, and tiaras! 
Left: Taylor & Ella; Right: Alyssa & Liza
 Left: Allison & Ava; Right: Charlotte & Avery

Last, but not least.... Princess Emma Claire & Prince Camp!

It was such a wonderful party! Everything went great and all her friends but 4 were able to come.  We are so thankful for our beautiful princess and are so blessed to be celebrating her today!

Also, a special thank you to RaRa and Pepaw for helping us set up, clean-up, and buy party decor. We were so blessed to have you here!