Monday, April 19, 2010

Emma Claire Snip-Its at 3 Years and 2 Months

*One afternoon Emma Claire was playing in her room with her Dora doll taking special care of her just like a mommy would a child. She was craddling her in her arms when I heard her say the words, "Dora, I Love You." It's so wonderful to me that she connects a Mother taking care of a child with Love.

*One afternoon after church Benjamin and I decided to drive around and look at some used vehicles while the kids napped in their carseats. We pulled up to one car lot and while we were looking around Emma Claire woke up and noticed that they had a playground connected to their building. She said, "Mommy, I won't to go play that playground!" I explained to her that the store was closed and that we couldn't get into their playground because they had their gates locked. She sat quietly for a while and then she came up with a plan. She said, "Mommy. I have some money. It's in my pig. We can get my money and then we can go play on that playground." I guess she thought she had enough money in her pig to pay somebody to get into that playground! : )

*On one of my off days I was laying in bed with Emma Claire watching cartoons while we were waiting on Camp to wake up. While we were laying there Emma Claire decided she wanted some chocolate milk. I told her when I finished my email on my phone I would go fix her some for her to drink in the bed. The next thing I knew she was gone. I didn't think much about it because I just figured she went to her room to play with her toys. I finished up my email and looked up as Emma Claire walks into my room with A GALLON OF MILK AND HERSEY'S SYRUP. I guess she decided if she wanted some milk she better bring it to me herself!

*Emma Claire has really gotten into picking flowers this spring. Some are weeds, some are not, but it is all the same to her. One afternoon she was outside playing and decided to pick some flowers with her Daddy. She came inside to show be how beautiful they were and then she began to take care of them herself. Without being told what to do she got a cup out of the cabinet, filled it with water, placed her flowers in it, and then placed her arrangement in the center of her little table. I was so proud of my little homemaker! : )

*Emma Claire loves her Barbie movie about Twillerbees. One Sunday afternoon while RaRa and PePaw were here everyone went up to the Seminary to enjoy the beautiful day.  The tulips had begun to bloom and were just beautiful, but because Emma Claire had her Barbie movie on her mind she just knew that there were Twillerbees living inside those Tulips. She ever so gently she searched everyone looking for the little Twillerbees living inside. I love her innocence.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Random April Photos

Pops and Gran-Gran got Emma Claire this little car for her birthday! She loves it.

Left: Slowly moving him out of his swaddle blanket. Right: Emma Claire loves to pick flowers. She brought these flowers in, got this cup out of the dishwasher, filled it with water, and placed her 'arrangment' on her little table. She is such a little homemaker! ; )

Left: We are out of the swaddle and he is loving it! Right: Snuggles on the couch before school.

Right: Our great friends, the Davis', came over for dinner so Lana and Emma Claire decided to set up a tea party on the back porch.

Right: This is how I found Emma Claire at nap time. I had to go through every layer to find her.

Our small group got together for a picnic at Joyner Park.

Left: Emma Claire ran into one of her wonderful friends, Chloe, there! I'm really not sure what game they are playing.  Right: The park has these wonderful old homes on it.

Right: Brooklyn is a great babysitter!

 Right: Little Taylor. Her family is in our small group. Couldn't you just eat that cute little face?!?!

 Left: Camp and GG. Right: Camp and Poppa.

Right: My class at LLLC went on a field trip to pick strawberries and then a picnic at the park. Emma Claire and Camp tagged along and had a GREAT time!

Of course we had to try some. ; )

Camp is not crawling yet, but look at him pulling up already. : ( Walk First or Crawl First?

Emma Claire decided she wanted some chocolate milk so she just brought it to me in bed!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Transitioning from the Swaddle

It took patience and perseverance, but we did it!!! Camp is now fully out of using his Swaddle Blanket. It was such a big deal because Camp has been sleeping wrapped up in his swaddle since birth and he has been sleeping so well with it. I have to say, I was rather nervous about moving him out of it. I thought it meant I was not going to get much sleep because I would be up and down with him at night not sleeping well. Boy was I wrong. He was a PRO.
Here he is our first night home from the hospital all Swaddled up for the night.

When he was about 5 1/2 months old we started like this with one arm out for a couple of weeks.

Then we moved onto still leaving one arm out and adding legs out. We still had one arm snuggly in the swaddle.

Then we Finally made the transition to NO Swaddle at all! He did awesome and never missed a wink of sleep! In fact he is now sleeping from 8:00 pm to 8:00 am every night! I am so proud of my sweet boy.

Now, he is all over the place in his bed. He loves to sleep on his tummy, on his back, and on his side. I never know what end of the bed I will find him on! Mommy is so proud of you, Camp!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter April 2010

Left: Emma Claire drew her first person! The one at the top is the one RaRa drew and Emma Claire made her own on the bottom. Right: A Sunshine with a smiley face.

Left: Check out her FIRST 'E' for Emma Claire! I was so proud of her! Right: Emma Claire wrote a 'C' for Camp. This was her first one! : )

Right: Kalei, Emma Claire, and Camp's Easter Baskets.

Left: Swaddling with one arm out! Right: When we got up Easter morning this is how we found Kalei.

Right: Checking out the goodies in Camp's Easter Basket.

Left: GOOD LUCK trying to get a good family picture with two little ones.

The kids crashed on our way home from lunch.

Right: I'm sure you can see the easter egg sitting on the wood post, but Emma Claire spent forever looking around this spot because she couldn't find that egg!

Right: Oh, the entertainment a frog will give a three year old.

Left: The chocolate had melted in the eggs before she got a chance to eat it. : ) Right: Emma Claire informing us how she will be finding the Easter Eggs. She is always trying to inform us of something.

First nap without a swaddle at all! Yea, Camp!

The pollen is everywhere. Look how yucky all the spring pollen is on my windshield.

Left: An airplane ride from Uncle Bruce.

We love Thumbelina and the Twillerbees. Right: Checking the flowers at the seminary for Twillerbees. (sp)

Left: Emma Claire met some friends while we were waiting at O'Charley's to eat lunch. She never meets a stranger. : ) Right: Uncle Bruce!

Left: Camp is already drinking Diet Coke?! It is caffine free. Right: Emma Claire was helping PePaw spray the yucky pollen off of Mommy's van.