Wednesday, December 31, 2014

ArtWork @ RaRa's

They kids are loving getting to do all this artwork at RaRa's while mommy and daddy are out of town!

Happy New Year!

So excited I got to see this girl in Nashville if only for a little bit! ; )

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Sickness Over the Holidays

So you may wonder why you haven't seen a lot of pictures of my family over the holidays... here is why...

My grandfather has been very weak and sick for several weeks and it has gotten to the point that he needed to be admitted into the hospital. Our parents have been so busy staying one with Gran-Gran at home and one with Pops at the hospital that they have had zero idol time.

Here are a couple pictures of my grandmother getting to go visit with him at the hospital. Are they great pictures, no. But this is life. Real life. And I love them so, so much. I want my kids to always be able to see how much they love and care for each other.

Isn't this pure sweetness!? I am so glad that while we were home I got to spend time loving on both of them! 

Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas 2014 at Pops & Grans

This year Pops wasn't feeling well so Benjamin and Uncle Randy took turns staying at the hospital with him and we celebrated Christmas with Gran-Gran at her house.

It was great to get together with everyone and just enjoy time with family!

This is the way it always goes...! : )

Gran-Gran looked SO great!!

4 Generations going strong! 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Morning 2014

Three little monkey's sitting under RaRa's tree!

They could not wait to dig into their stockings!

Oh, you know, RaRa had Zeus presents, too!

Emma Claire and I were both pretty thrilled that she got the Little House on the Prairie series!

A horse to go with her 'American Girl' doll.

One of the kids most favorite gifts...BB guns!! Do you see Daddy in the background??

Just look at those smiles. So thankful we live in a place where we have plenty of room to shoot them!

Daddy even got a gun, too! Just something a little different. You can cock it and make a blasting sound with it though! *Zeus the photo bomber.


My girl LOVES Oakland's Passion just about as much as anything. Really! So she asked for her own costumes for Christmas! I can see lots of dramatic play coming soon for sure. Camp also got a Joseph costume and a donkey costume. We'll for sure have to get a picture of that! ; )

Emma Claire got a sewing machine. Oh, was she in heaven. She could not wait to get to crafting!

*RaRa was there and all the gifting credits go to she & PePaw. She had been up all night at the hospital with Pops so I was instructed to not take any pics. ; ) The kids LOVED all their goodies! Spoiled as always. : )