Monday, March 29, 2010

Poll Results: Camp weighed 20 lbs 4 oz when I took him at 5 months. What will he weigh at his 6 months?

20 pounds 8 ounces!!!

I would have to admit I would have gotten this one wrong too. With as fast as he had been growing I thought he would have been atleast 21 lbs. He is still at the top of the charts! : )

20 lbs 5 oz     0%
20 lbs 6 oz     0%
20 lbs 7 oz     0%
20 lbs 8 oz     0%
20 lbs 9 oz     7%
20 lbs 10 oz   73%
20 lbs 11 oz   0%
OR OVER     20%

Total votes: 15

Friday, March 26, 2010

Emma Claire's Easter Program

 Left: I was sitting right behind Emma Claire but it took her a couple of songs to realize I where I was. Right: Our good friend, Stephanie Lyon.

Left: She found ME! Right: Emma Claire was amazed at a little girl who was doing ballet in the front. She kept telling me she wanted to do her ballet.

 Right: Are we done yet!?!?

 Left: Which one of my kids are acting up? Right: Lana Davis

 Left: Kate Reed

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Poll Results: When Emma Claire Says Her Prayers What Does She Pray For?

You were completely right! She goes through the same list everytime she prays. Sometimes even adding in some of the toys she might see around her room while she is praying. : )

Thank You God For Mommy & Daddy    4%
Thank You God I Eat Well                               0%
Thank You God For Leah                                4%
Thank You God For Camp                               0%
Thank You God For The Gospel                       0%
Thank You God For My Movies                       0%
Thank You God I Sleep Well                            0%
All Of The Above                                            92%

Total votes: 25

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Everyday Struggles With A Three Year Old

*Not wanting people to hug on her, talk to her, or do anything with her unless she wants to do it. She can come across very hateful when people talk to her and she jerks her body and face away so that they can not see her. We have been talking about showing love to our neighbor and they do not feel love when we respond to them this way.
*Talking back. Emma Claire loves to get the last word in. Especially if she disagrees with what you want her to do. Many times she has come back with "But I'm still talking." Which usually leads to punishment.

* Responding with 'No'. Most of the time she is not responding with an ugly no, it's just that she wants to do something else. We are trying to teach her that it's okay that you may want to do something else, but you need to ask Mommy and Daddy in a question rather than tell us what you are going to do. Obey first, and then ask.

*Shaking her head 'No'. Emma Claire thinks that if she shakes her head 'No' then she is not actually telling you 'No'. I know, very smart thinking.

*Being Bossy. Emma Claire is very much a leader and doesn't mind being Mommy to other children. I have to remind her that she is not their Mommy and they have to obey their Mommy and not her.

*Not doing anything she doesn't want to do. We deal with this especially at school. If Emma Claire doesn't want to do something, then she IS NOT going to do it. She is very strong willed. I am trying to teach her if she is not obeying her teachers then she is not obeying Mommy and she is not obeying God. We are to obey all of those who have authority over us.

I didn't write this to complain about how bad my daughter is because she definitely is not! She is amazing, very energetic, and loving. We are human just like everyone else and dealing with everyday struggles of a three year old.


comment by Rachael Davis on 03/22/2010

Love you for writing this day you'll be so glad you can look back and remember what was going on. Praying for you & BQ as you disciple her - you are doing an amazing job, Mommy!

comment by Rachael Davis on 03/22/2010

Love you for writing this day you'll be so glad you can look back and remember what was going on. Praying for you & BQ as you disciple her - you are doing an amazing job, Mommy!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Random March Photos

My happy boy!

Love this pic! Emma Claire thought Camp would like to play with her.

Right: Mrs. Brooke

 Right: Listening so closely to the instructions.

Emma Claire's class made cookies with icing for their Easter Party. She and Daniel were working hard.

 Right: This was his first time to sit in the grass. He just stared at it and tried pulling it up.

This is my happy boy!

Left: He LOVES it! Right: We love playground time! This is Camp's first time in the swings on the playground! Next to him is his classmate, Allen.

Left: We are slowly but surely starting to move him out of his swaddle blanket. This is the first nap to begin and we started by leaving one arm out of the swaddle. Right: Emma Claire's School Pictures 2009/2010

Left: Check out my knee highs she got out of my closet! Right: Quite sassy.

This boy is out of it!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Meal Time Prayers

Emma Claire's prayers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner goes like this....
"Roll around, roll around give a little clap. Roll around, roll around put them in your lap. We bow and head and softly say, Thank You, God, for food today. Open your lunch boxes!"

Think she learned this one at school! : )


comment by RaRa on 03/24/2010

I thank the Lord everyday for LLLC. It is such a big part of your little life and the lives of your Mommy and Camp. It is a GREAT ministry. I love you!

Marbles Museum

Uncle Brandon, Aunt Hannah, & Branna came up to visit us for a couple of days and we had a great time! For a treat we all went to the Marbles Kids Museum in Raleigh to enjoy some FUN!

Right: Getting ready to go inside Marbles Museum!

Left: Look at my big boy ready to go. Right: This place was amazing! They had everything you could think of on a child's size. Emma Claire loved it!

Left: Branna coming out onto the stage to perform! Right: Emma Claire found a crab at the market!

Left: What great cashiers.

Right: Branna thought she would play a little chess.

Left: When Emma Claire saw this big ship she took off running as fast as she could and left us all behind.

Left: Camp and Mommy had a great time watching Branna and Sissy play. Right: She loved doing experiments in the submarine.

 Left: Jumping on the jelly fish. Right: Oh, my. And then we found the Splash section. They had a blast playing in the water.

Left: Look how wet they got! Right: Then we made this mistake. Going out to the child size garden with wet clothes. Yuck!

 Left: Let's just say we have 3 reasons why we LOVE CAT! Right: Camp, Daddy, & Aunt Hannah enjoying the beautiful weather.

 Left: I'm not sure what Emma Claire is telling Branna, but it must be important. Right: This is so my girl! She always has dress-up clothes on.

 Left: She did so well balancing on this moving surf board.

 Left: Like this PePaw?!?! Right: Any ideas on why Mommy is the one helping her with the saw?!?! And it was a real one too!

Right: Good Luck trying to get a good picture of 3 under 3!