Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving Week 2013

I love that Mom and Dad come up to visit us on Thanksgiving and we just get to chill out at home. Just look at all the fun we get into... ; )

Arts & crafts...

Lots and lots of wrestling...

Of course there is yummy cooking going on...

I am so thankful that I live close to my brother and he and my niece are able to come down and spend holidays with us!

We also tried to squeeze in a Christmas card pic photo session. ; )

I could eat this boy up!

Friday, November 29, 2013

I Survived Black Friday 2013!

Mom and I pulled a 9pm-9am shift. BUT, hey, my Christmas shopping is D.O.N.E. !! ; )

Monday, November 25, 2013

Sweet Neighbors are Amazing!!

The kids had set up a Popsicle stand outside in this freezing weather playing and a sweet man from down the road stopped and gave them $5! Priceless.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Double Ear Infections

I took my sweet boy, Dawson, to the doctor today because he just hasn't been himself all week. He never ran a fever but I just knew he was off. Turns out he had double ear infections. Boo! Poor guy.

I feel like such a bad mom. This is the second time this has happened with him. He just isn't one to run fever which is always your clue.

He did get some good meds and weighed in at a whooping 25 lbs and 13 oz at 13 months. : )

Get well soon big guy!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Camp's Thanksgiving Feast

Today we got to celebrate Thanksgiving with Camp and the other 3 year old classes. What a blessing it is to have these 3 turkeys in my life! ; )

Camp's place mat... the circus and fair make me laugh. He has been to the fair but never the circus. : )

Check out his cute little turkey!

Here is Camp being Camp. Enough said.

Such adorable Indians.Click Here to watch a snip-it of them singing.

My favorite little Indian!

I may or may not have shared some of my plate with Dawson. ; )

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Carolina Game

Had SO much fun with these two sweet friends last night at the Carolina game!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Boys BIG Birthday Present

I have to say that I have been putting off getting the kids a trampoline because they are so big/bulky and I just didn't want them, or anyone else, to get hurt.

BUT, mom and dad surprised them with one for their birthday and it's been one of the best gifts EVER.

They have spent HOURS on it and are usually are on it at some point everyday. I love that it has been a great way for them to get rid of some stored up energy. ; )

Below are pictures of them the morning after Benjamin and I finished putting it together.

So much fun being had at the Quinn's house!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Trick-or-Treating 2013

We had a blast this year trick-or-treating in our new neighborhood. There was lots of candy, lots of kids, and lots of laughs! : )

Isn't this about the cutest superman you have every seen??

What about this superman?? Can you believe this was Camp only 3 years ago?!

We scored big this year and were able to ride around in style while we were trick-or-treating. So thankful for our sweet friends, the Saunders!

I was so lucky to have Jake the Pirate by my side and a royal princess to share all her treasures with me.

Peyton needed a few extra snuggles from mommy. : )

The people at each home were so wonderful. The really went all out decorating and spending time with each child making them feel special dressed in their costume.

Did I mention there were a lot of kids? ; ) Did you notice the witch peeking out through the window?

We had a blast and our kids are already talking about next year!