Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tooth #3 For Dawson

Dawson finally popped one of his top teeth! He has been drooling like crazy and his gums were so white where they've been trying to push through.

He is now the proud owner of his top left tooth!


This is what our bed looks like at 6:30 this morning. What? Where's the coffee? I'm gonna need it today. :)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Camp's Post-Op Appointment

We had a wonderful post-op appointment today! It was confirmed that the mass was benign and orders to not come back unless we need to. Praise the Lord for His grace and mercy!

So thankful for Dr. Meredith and his wonderful staff at the Cancer Center of America.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Emma Claire's Dental Visit

At Emma Claire's last dental visit we found out that she had one cavity that needed to be taken care of. Yuck!

We knew that wasn't going to be any fun but then we also found out that she needed to have three teeth pulled, two teeth shaved (to make more room for the permanent teeth), and one tooth sealed.

This momma was not prepared for that! Our last dental visit landed us at the surgery center at Wake Med with Camp and back in the procedure room at the dentist office with Emma Claire. What a day.

In preparation for her appointment Dr. Buddy had told me not to tell Emma Claire what was going on but tell her that one of her teeth had a little dirt on it and that he needed to clean it off.

She did great until we got into the back and they asked her to put the mask on her face. She was super nervous and started flushing and trying to hold back tears.

Her nurse was great and took her time with her until she was ready to put the mask on herself. Once she began to breathe the 'goofy gas' she was all giggles. I wish I had gotten a video because she became a giggly chatty Cathy!

Okay so time for a confession. It wasn't until I was in my 20's that I found out that when Dr. Ronnie was shaking my cheek that he was REALLY giving me a shot. What?! Who knew. I thought he was just shaking around the gel he put in my mouth. That is talent my friend.

SO, when I saw them sliding that needle around to give Emma Claire a shot I tried my best to not let my eyes get the size of quarters. That thing is huge! She did great with it but did get a bit upset when they put the clamps in her mouth and began to cry for her Daddy. I sent him a message because I knew he would not be happy with me later if he found out she cried for him and I didn't tell him. And guess who was there within 15 minutes? Her Daddy! ; )

Once Dr. Buddy was done he told her he had a magic trick and waved his hands around the room and then opened his hand where he had her two teeth (she had already lost one prior to the appt.). He said she had some wiggly teeth and they just came right out. : )

At first she didn't know what to think about it but once we told her the tooth fairy would be coming and we would go get ice cream she was great! : )

My little toothless princess!

Ice cream makes most everything better! : 0
Thankful for another successful doctors visit!

Friday, June 14, 2013

3rd Times a Charm

Camp's surgery on Wednesday, Emma Claire's dental work scheduled for Friday, and then Dawson was diagnosed with reactive airway on Thursday...

Poor baby. He has had a cough and been sick for almost 2 months and after 3 doctor visits and finally seeing Dr. Dirk he was diagnosed with reactive airway and placed on two breathing treatments per day until he tells us otherwise. So thankful for Dr. Dirk and how he has cared for my babies.

We went home with a new nebulizer, one prescription for steroids, one for abuterol, and one for preventative breathing treatments. We could tell a huge difference after only two days!

Poor baby has the sick eyes. ; (

Camp's Surgery

We got back from Disney World on Sunday evening and Camp was scheduled to have the surgery to remove the small mass on Wednesday and Emma Claire was schedule to have some dental work done on Friday. Thankfully RaRa and PePaw offered to stay a couple extra days to help us take care of the kiddos while they were recovering.

On Wednesday morning we got up and left the house super early (4:30am) because we had to be checked in at the big Wake Med by 5:30am. Camp never really knew what was going on other than he was going back to see the doctor and he was going to look in his mouth again.

From the moment we arrived they were great with him. He was so proud of the bracelet they gave him, but he couldn't quite figure out how to play the games on the iPod with the oxygen monitor on his finger. : )

Look how handsome he looked in his gown. ; )

Oh, the marvelous beeper. I only had to wait with it for a little while so I can't even imagine the great anticipation my friend Katie had waiting with it for months to go off for her daughter, Leah, to get a new heart. I almost felt like my life depended on this beeper. We received it when we arrived and every time it was time for something new to happen it would go off.

The boys feel asleep as we waited in pre-op for his turn but this momma's heart was too heavy to sleep. All I wanted to do was pray over my sweet baby.

They had all sorts of activities to keep him busy while we waited. He loved the bubbles!

Then a child specialist came in and helped explained to him about the oxygen mask so he wouldn't be anxious about using it. She showed him his mask and asked him if he would like to decorate it. She also had two tubes of chap stick and asked him which smell he liked better. He chose the strawberry so she wiped some all inside his mask for him to smell. (GREAT idea!) Then she gave him his favorite stickers to decorate the outside. I thought this was a great activity for him. Brilliant.

After we finished the mask she gave us markers to decorate his bed for surgery. It was so great to be able to write special notes for him and know they would be with him during surgery.

After we finished coloring they came in to give him his medicine to relax him before the surgery began. Once he drank all the medicine down the child specialist came back in with special gifts for him for being such a big boy.

Camp was so proud of his telescope and the Doc Hudson car from the Lightening McQueen movie!

You can start to tell from this second picture that it didn't take long for him to get VERY loopy. It was hilarious to us because one minute he was completely fine and the next he was drunk as a skunk.

We were sitting there on the bed talking to him and the next thing we knew he fell face forward down on the bed. It really made the moment they came and rolled him away a lot easier on this momma. The Lord knew I needed that laugh before they took my baby away.

Once they rolled him away they sent us out to the waiting room with the beeper and said they would beep us as soon as he was done and we would be able to go see him shortly after. They had told us it would probably take 30 minutes to an hour so Benjamin ran down to grab us some breakfast. We hadn't eaten anything that morning because Camp couldn't have anything to eat or drink since midnight so we didn't want to eat in front of him. SIX minutes from the time I sat down I turned around and the doctor is in the waiting room looking for me. I didn't know what to think. Had something gone wrong with the anesthesia? Why didn't they beep me?

The answer was No. He was already DONE! He said it was as simple as snipping the mass off and he didn't even have a stitch. Praise the Lord.

He planned to send the mass off to be tested but felt like it was completely benign and we would find out the results at our post-op appointment.

The nurses had prepped us that in recovery Camp might cry as he is waking up from the anesthesia so to be prepared  for that as we saw him. When the nurse came and got us I could hear him screaming as I walked through the doors. She said he was pretty upset and we could do what we could to calm him but it would take about 20 minutes for him to be able to focus and look at us. What he was doing was a natural waking up from the anesthesia.

It was so hard to see my boy like that. He was screaming and fighting anyone who tried to hold him down. Benjamin had to sit and bear hug him to keep him from hurting himself or hitting his head on the chair. It took him about 45 minutes from the time we got back there to calm down enough that he would let me hold him, talk to him, and he would groggily respond.

Once he got to that point we were able to change his clothes and let him drink a little juice. His sweet nurse in recovery gave him this little bear to take home as a souvenir for having such a big day.

One huge blessing of the whole day is that Camp NEVER once complained of his mouth hurting. Not that day, the next or any other day. He doesn't even recall most of the day anyway because this is how he spent it. : )

Notice his cars held tightly in each hand. 
He is all boy. : )

Once he woke up he was so eager to get up and play but his balance was super unsteady. We had to force him to crawl and at one point put him in Dawson's walker to get around. It was quite funny. : ) However, once he got up the next morning he had regained his balance and was completely back to normal.

I am so thankful that this day went as smoothly as it did and eagerly await the results at the post-op appointment.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Ethan's Wedding

The whole purpose of us going to Orlando in the first place was to celebrate Ethan and Karen's wedding.

They had book a gorgeous location for the wedding and were just playing it by ear with the weather. Unfortunately, about an hour before the wedding was to begin a horrible storm came through with strong winds and lightening. It never let up so they quickly had to move everything inside and there was standing room only for the ceremony. I know it wasn't what they had planned but it was a very intimate ceremony and they were married either way! : )

Congratulations Ethan and Karen! We can't wait til you get back to Wake Forest!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Yes, You are Seeing that Correctly...

After 4 days in Disney this is what time we all rolled out of bed the next morning. ; )

Friday, June 7, 2013

Disney Day 4, Magic Kingdom

Getting ready for our final day at Disney!

Our last day there was pretty yucky so we suited up in our ponchos and headed out.

While we were waiting on everyone to get ready I took Emma Claire to the hotel arcade to use her credits that came with our room.

We stayed at the Pop Century Resort which is one of the cheaper hotels but it was just right for us. Clean and fun but nothing too fancy.

This was our second day to spend at Magic Kingdom so we were able to take our time and enjoy meeting some characters. 
First up....MICKEY MOUSE!!

One of Emma Claire's favorites! Mrs. Mary Poppins.

Click Here to watch her meeting Mary Poppins.

Our breakfast that morning was at the Crystal Palace in Magic Kingdom. Look at the great view we had out the window!

Guess who we ran into! The Winnie the Pooh gang.

We had to leave before we met Winnie so we could make it to the Princesses. They didn't seem to mind too much. : )

Emma Claire was in heaven meeting all the princesses! They were all so great with them.

While we were waiting Emma Claire drew Rapunzel a picture and she so kindly placed it on her table next to her feather pen. : )

Riding the train is even more fun when it's raining!

GiGi was the only one who could do the teacups with the kids. Neither Benjamin or I can handle all that spinning.

Getting ready to go ride the Winnie the Pooh ride!

Rides on daddy's shoulders are always the best!

While we were waiting in line to meet Ariel Emma Claire worked hard to draw her the perfect picture. As we were leaving we watched her place it in her special treasure box. Emma Claire thought that was the greatest. Check out those plastic forks some child gave her. ; 0

We hid out inside one of the carnival rooms while it rained outside. ; )

Peter Pan's Flight!!

We had front row seats for the Electrical Parade. Emma Claire thought it was great and I couldn't help but miss my little guy because he would have LOVED it. We better get to saving because I'm already ready to go back and take him!

The perfect way to end a wonderful trip to Disney.... Hot cocoa and the fireworks show!

iPhone Pics...

Left: Mapping out our last day at Magic Kingdom. ; Right: Big Bird is on the loose!

PhotoPass Pictures:

I am, oh, so thankful that we were able to share the special time with our big girl. We love you so much, Emma Claire Quinn, and we hope that you had a blast making some wonderful memories!

A special thanks to RaRa and PePaw for watching our boys. We couldn't have done this without you!

And to Poppa and GiGi for going with us and making it more fun!

Until next time....

One broke Momma and Daddy. ; 0