Tuesday, March 31, 2015

SWC Easter Egg Hunt

Every year the Southeastern Women's Club has an Easter Egg Hunt for all the children of faculty and directors. In the past we haven't been able to go because it's been during nap time but now that Dawson is getting older we are able to swing fun things like this now!

Jamie gave a great illustration of the Easter story for the kids before the hunt got started.

Emma Claire got chosen to assist and her two side kicks for the day Julianna and Dawson stayed right by her side! ; )

Dawson had a great time finding all the eggs. As soon as he found one he would pop it open, take the candy out of the inside, throw it into his basket and then throw the empty egg back on the ground.

Later I was telling someone what he did and they said, 'oh, that's why my child found all empty eggs!'. Opps! ; )

So the deal was that each child was allowed to find 15 eggs so they could make sure they had enough for everyone. When I finally caught up to Camp I could hear him counting his eggs as he put them into his basket, '34.....35.....36.....'. Then he said, 'Hey Mom! I've found 36 eggs so far!'

Yup, the rule breaker! It's a competition right?! ; ) I had to re-explain the rules to him and then he had to go find 21 places to hide the extra eggs he had gotten for others to find. ; )

When did Emma Claire turn 16?!

This was such a fun day! We'll be trying to make this every year for sure!

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