Friday, August 7, 2009

The Big, White Hairbow and the Doctor's Office

Today Emma Claire and I had to make a quick trip into Wal-Mart on our way to the Doctor's office to return something for Daddy. We made our return and then Emma Claire told me she needed to go potty before we left the store. We ran into the bathroom and let Emma Claire make her selection of which potty she wanted to use.

On a side note, Emma Claire thinks that public restrooms are dirty. She will only use them if she just has too and it takes her several minutes to examine which potty is the cleanest and which she will use. I have no clue where she got this because to me, a potty is a potty, unless it is just nasty. Anyway, she sat on the potty, did her business and then got up to flush it away. As she flushed she leaned over to see it go away and her hairbow fell right out of her hair, down into the potty, and right down into the drain. She became very upset. "Mommy, my hairbow. My hairbow went in the potty. My hairbow is gone, gone. Mommy it's my big white hairbow. It's okay, Mommy? We get me another one, Mommy?" I felt so bad for her because she was so upset, but I just wanted to laugh at the whole situation. How many chances were there this would have happened?

After I got her calmed down, we had to quickly leave the store because I had a doctors appointment to get to. BUT, I never thought this hairbow would have upset her so much. She had to stop every person we saw and tell them about her experience. She would say, "My big hairbow went down potty, and went gone, gone, gone". Then I would have to explain to a complete stranger what had happened. Then once we made it to the car she thought she just needed to call RaRa and tell her what had happened and ask her to get her another "Big, White Hairbow". It wasn't just any hairbow, but her big white one. : )

By the time we made it to the doctors office I thought it would be over. Boy, was I wrong. She walked right up to the receptionist and told her the whole story over. Of course, the receptionist went right on with the story and listened to everything she had to say so intently. She told her she was so sorry and that she just knew that her mommy would get her a new one. At our doctors office the nurses just love when Emma Claire comes to visit because they know she is going to give them some kind of show. So, when the nurse came out front to call me back, it wasn't just one nurse, but FIVE!!! They wanted to see if Emma Claire had come with me and what story she had to tell them that day. She began by telling them ALL about the hairbow story and they each squatted down to hear what she had to say. When she finally finished her story she picked one of the nurses out and told her "You go check my mommy's tummy, so I can hear baby boy". She picked another nurse out pointed to the scale and said, "You get me up here and I take my shoes off." The nurses are so sweet to do everything that mommy does with Emma Claire. Of course she just puts on a show when we go. As we ended the appointment and I thought we finally were going to get to go four more nurses came out to tell Emma Claire their Good-Bye's. One nurse even took her from me and said you come with me and she took her off somewhere while I was finishing up.

Poor Emma Claire had such and eventful day and it was only 11:30. She is definantly entertaining and I can't wait to see what else I can expect today!!!! : )


comment by RaRa on 08/18/2009

Got you a new hairbow on the way Emma Claire! You are soooo funny! I love you!

comment by Rachael Davis on 08/14/2009

Won't it be so fun to see what Camp's personality is like and how he & Emma Claire interact?!?

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