Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Stomach Virus of the Century

On Friday night there was a welcome dinner for all of the new college & seminary students at Southeastern. We had a wonderful time and great food but once we got home we knew something wasn't right. Not two hours after we got home Emma Claire started throwing up. She was sick through the night and then I caught it the next morning. The sad thing was that Benjamin was teaching a class all weekend at the seminary and wasn't home to help. It.Was.Awful. And it was really one of those days that I just wanted my momma. Emma Claire was feeling better the next morning and did her best to help with the boys while I rested.

While Dawson was napping I took some medicine and slept on the couch while the big kids were watching a movie. When I woke up they had surprised me with a get better party!

They were so proud of themselves and I'm very proud of how quiet they were while I was sleeping in the same room with them.

We had 'blueberry muffin' cake with icing... (shhhh, I couldn't stomach it but I did a great job pretending. : )

Check out the décor they pulled out. There were even more streamers and pictures hanging in the kitchen that I didn't get a picture of.

The next day Benjamin came down with the bug. Boo! Camp had a slight touch of it and Dawson was the lone survivor.

After 24 hrs here was my first meal and it was perfect.

Here is an instagram of our weekend...

Now the crazy thing was that just about every single family that was at the dinner that night got the same virus. It spread like wild fire! They are assuming that something in the food was contaminated but let's just say that every time that there is a get together at the school now we are all a bit gun shy. Some of the poor families took weeks to get over it. It just kept passing back and forth between everyone in their family. We are so thankful that it just took us down for the weekend!

Thank you, Lord, for health today!

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