Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fall Festival at Holly Grove Baptist Church

It is always so good to go back to Holly Grove and see people who feel like family. Tonight was their fall festival so I loaded up the kiddos and went by myself because Benjamin had to much studying to do. I think I almost bit off more than I could chew.

A crowd + two fussy babies = one tired momma. : )

Isn't Samuel (Finn) adorable?

This boy could not get enough sweat tea. If you
could see his face he has a ring around it from how
hard he was smashing the cup against his face.
Doing what my boy does best;
being destructive.
Camp finally found someone his size; Kamryn Lee.

Camp loved playing basketball with Mr. Tim. (Finn)
Doesn't he, Camp, look like a big boy here!?!?

Pop (Tommy) kept telling the kids that the fish had
a gimp fin because Nanny (Shelia) had a cast on
one of her hands. : ) Poor Nanny.

Wait til Uncle Brandon sees this form. He'll have her in the gym in no time at all.

Love these people. Charlie and Tracy Sledge.

Where's Waldo???
Camp could not figure this guy out.

Funny thing is, I have a picture just like this of Emma Claire
playing in this same pool when she was Camp's age.

Camp figured the best way to get the balls in the holes was
 just to climb onto it and put them in!
At the end of the night they had costume contests for the different age groups.

Most of the kiddos that attended tonight. They had a wonderful turnout!!!
 At the end of the night, yes, I'm proud I went, but I'm already planning a wonderful Sunday afternoon nap for tomorrow. : ) Just to see the smiles on my kids faces and the wonderful time they had playing with their friends made it all worth it.

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