Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Deja Vu

When Emma Claire was 14 months old she was diagnosed with Reactive Airway Disease or Asthma. With medication she has been able to sustain well and has kept us from continual doctors visits. It hasn't been until recently that Camp has started showing signs of the same thing. About two months ago he began waking up at about 3:00am with this awful cough that sounded like he was choking. It was so bad that Benjamin and I would both wake up and lay there until he got back at himself and we knew he was okay. It wasn't until Tuesday of this week that things began to get worse. Camp woke up with this terrible sounding cough and was just plain fussy. He was running a low grade fever, but I decided to go on to work because the fever could have just been from teething since it wasn't very high. His teachers were so very patient with him because he cried ALL DAY LONG. Finally, at 12:30pm I decided it was time to do something with this boy because he was just not himself. I made a doctors appointment and took him in to get checked out. Then, it was Deja Vu. The doctor that helped get all of Emma Claire's troubles straightened out walked in, checked him, and said "yep, he's got the same thing." He was wheezing. My boy was having trouble breathing! Boy, did I feel terrible. He had cried all day not because he was being fussy but because he was having trouble breathing. They were so sweet to check his oxygen levels and give him a breathing treatment all before we left the office. However, what I failed to mention was that we were in the exact room where Emma Claire was checked with this doctor and Camp will also be 14 months in a couple of weeks. It was such a blessing that the Lord worked it out where Dr. Wilson would be in the office that day. She knew all of our history and knew exactly what to do to take care of our sweet boy.

I do have a happy wheezer! : )

Our plan of action is this. We will try giving him Albuteral 3 times a day for 5 days and then see what happens. If he does well we will do nothing until he has trouble again. If he continues to wheeze or if the wheezing comes back quickly we will begin doing breathing treatments twice a day everyday and giving him Singular once a day. We did the same for Emma Claire when she was his age and she sustained well.

I guess little man just wanted to follow in his sisters footsteps. : )

Thank you, Lord, for great medical care that is taking care of my babies.

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