Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hitting. Really??

We never experienced hitting with Emma Claire so this is a new one for me. When Camp doesn't get his way his first response is to swing at us. For example, yesterday Camp wanted something Emma Claire had and when she told him 'no' he took a swing at her. I very sternly said, "No, sir, we do not hit" and gave him one of those good stare down looks. : ) His bottom lip immediately popped out and he had this awful 'I'm gonna get you' look on his face. Next thing I know it was like a scene from the Water Boy and he took off running at me across the room and slapped me on the leg. To be honest, him running at me scared me a bit, I wasn't sure if he was gonna knock me completely over. After the initial shock I grabbed him up and give him a good spanking on that diaper bottom and put him in his bed.

I'm just gonna die when he swings at one of his teachers at school, but I'm sure it's coming.

Anyone been there?

1 comment:

  1. Jacob is a very sweet little boy but he has this thoughtless hitting thing too. Sometimes it is to be ugly but sometimes he just wants to hit something or someone just for the heck of it. Good only gets worse:O)
